
Datum des Verschwindens: 21/12/2023
Stadt: Dusseldorf
Telefon: +491781860598
Mikrochipnummer: 616093901995008
Geschlecht: Männlich
Art: Katze
Rase: European Shorthair

Our OScar is missing since 21st Dec, 2023 from our apartment in Dusseldorf, Germany. He is a friendly cat and is very attached to his brother Ollie who misses him. We suspect he got lost from the main entrance of the building, our cat sitter alerted us as we are out of the country at the moment. He is grey and black european short hair, around 5.5 kg in weight and with lean body. He responds to his name. Please help find him. You can reach the cat sitter Tina at +49 178 1860598 or on my alternate number +91 9945046081.


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